Macroeconomics and Financial Economics Workshop:
Recent Developments in Theory and Empirical Modelling
8-9 October 2009
Famagusta, Turkish Republic of North Cyprus
Department of Economics
Eastern Mediterranean University
Organizers: Mehmet Balcılar and Hasan Güngör
Eastern Mediterranean University Deparment of Economics is a Workshop on Macroeconomics and Financial Economics on October 8-9, 2009. The recent financial crisis reveals the importance of financial markets for the economy. Modeling and analysis of financial markets as well as forecasting of economic time series are more than ever relevant research areas. Therefore, this year's workshop will be a platform to discuss new developments in these fields.The Workshop emphasises recent developments in macroeconometrics, financial econometrics and empirical macroeconomic and financial models. The workshop is aimed to bring together academic researchers and practitioners.
Keynote Speakers:
- Karim Abadir (Imperial College, UK)
- Hakan Berument (Bilkent University, Turkey)
- Paul de Boer (Erasmus Universty Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
- Haluk Erlat (Middle East Technical University, Turkey)
- Gabriel Talmain (University of Glasgow, UK)
Those who would like to contribute to to the Workshop should send a PDF copy of the paper or the extended abstract to organizing committee. |
The draft papers or at least extended abstracts should be sent to or by 20 September 2009.
Each paper submitted should indicate a corresponding author and include
contact information. Notification of paper acceptance will be made by
25 September 2009.
Workshop costs will be covered by the EMU Department of Economics and, as
usual, there will be no participation or registration fee. Unfortunately, we are
unable to offer financial support for travel, accommodation or
out-of-pocket expenses. The workshop will be held at the EMU Campus.
As organizers it will be our pleasure to show you some of the beautiful
sites of North Cyprus and the unique nature of our country.
We are planning a short tour in the old city
of Famagusta. Also, we will be offering an optional one-day sightseeing
trip on 10 October 2009 to Kyrenia. |
Mehmet Balcılar
Department of Economics
Eastern Mediterranean University
Hasan Güngör
Department of Economics
Eastern Mediterranean University
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