Eastern Mediterranean University, Department of Economics is organizing the second Workshop in Macroeconomics and Financial Economics on May 12-13, 2011. The recent financial crisis reveals the importance of financial markets for the economy. Modeling and analysis of financial markets as well as forecasting of economic time series are more than ever relevant research areas. The crisis weakened the strongest financial systems in the world. With highly open and integrated world markets, the crisis was propagated at a surprising speed through the world also influencing the emergent countries and developing economies. This crisis pushed the decision-makers to reconsider the traditional macroeconomic polices. The policy actions were, firsts, intervening massively on the markets in lack of liquidities and, second, to built up new more restraining arrangements in terms of portfolio investment and in terms of allowance of loans.
The aim of this year's Workshop is to discuss macroeconomic and financial policies in the financial crisis, and implications and implementations in the aftermath of the recent crises. We highlight the role of strategies led by the monetary authorities (Central Banks) and international institutions in different countries to face these crises and in the prevention against the contagions and the snowballs effects.
Publication of the Papers
Papers presented at the conference will be published in the special issue of the International Journal of Economic Perspectives after a blind referee process. Further information about the journal is available at http://www.econ-society.org/journals/ijep/ijep.htm.
Type of Submission
Theoretical and applied papers, case studies, theoretical and practical analysis are all welcomed.
Target Audience
Banking and insurance regulators; Central banking professionals; and Researchers, graduate and Ph.D. students working in the field of Money, banking, risk management, will benefit by attending this special Workshop.
Language of the Workshop
The language of workshop is English.
Prospective Schedule
Submission deadline: 29 April 2011
Notification: 2 May 2011
Financial Support
Some financing will be available to cover the accommodation expenses of PhD students. We may also be able to provide free accommodation for PhD students at EMU dorms upon request.
Submission Format
Submissions should be sent electronically, in MS Word or PDF format, to the Workshop organizers.
Keynote Speakers